Kobe Sportswear K3G76H Winnipeg Jets Heritage Classic White Pro Series Hockey Jersey
White, Steel Blue (PMS 648C), Red (PMS 187C)
Premium K3G Fabric
Product Highlights
Authentic Pro Striping and Colors
Double Reinforced Shoulders and Elbows
Two-Needle Cover Stitched Seams
Single Shoulders and Seams (Goalie Cut)
Wider and Shorter Sleeves (Goalie Cut)
Extra Large Armholes and Neck
Key Features:
Built-in pinpoint ventilation. Additional underarm porthole mesh for maximum thermal regulation on select products.
Double Shoulders, Double Elbows (Pro Styles). Battle tested.
Premium quality construction offers a full range of motion.
Not exactly what you're looking for, but close? We can custom make these items via sublimation with different color schemes and no minimum order quantities. Please Contact Us for more details.